Pink Star
It was back to work for me and school for BB. TT, on the other hand is officially on holiday now. However, he does have a mountain of marking to do – online marking at that. He says he will do a little every day, as they is only so much you can do in a day. My day started with a pre-work walk, then I basically sat at my laptop all day – not even having much of a break at lunchtime, and definitely no time for a quick wander to get some fresh air. I have some things on my to do list that have to be done before I finish up, but calls kept getting in the way and distracting me. After tea I went for a walk in the dark and discovered it had been raining. I hadn’t even noticed. I called my mum and dad to see how they are doing. My dad had predicted that the Government’s plans for Christmas were going to be a disaster. He has been proven right.
I came home and did some tidying – but still have more to do.
We didn’t see the Christmas star in the night sky, so this one in my neighbour’s garden will have to do.
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