Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk


It's home again! It didn't take two weeks, only from Monday until Friday. I rushed down to the computer shop to get it as soon as I got the text message and oh, wow! It's quiet and just wonderful! I had in mind a bit of cleaning when it was gone, so I had to do it yesterday and today to get it in it's right place. :) I feel a bit sad to put the old one away again, so it's just standing here for now.
I'm amazed of the speed! It was shipped to Stockholm, and was number 28 in queue. It was the fan that was broken, a new part was ordered from Apple and sent the same day and then they just fixed it and home it went. :)

The hazard with cleaning is that you might don't put the right cord in the right socket... I have one of these broadband boxes, with a bunch of different sockets (if that's the right word...?) all colour coded and with names like x1, x2 and so on. After I had vacuumed and change the rug, the curtains, put the cover back on the sofa, changed the pillow casings, ironed the table cloth, put the tables back in front of the sofa and finally the computer, I tried to get online. Didn't work... I restarted the router, the broadband box, and the computers, nothing helped. I ran several network diagnostics and they where all clear. Finally I gave up and called the support on my ISP. After a nice conversation, and a lot of crawling on the floor and moving stuff on my end, she finally came to the conclusion that I had put one of the many cords in the wrong socket. It seems I had put one of them in the socket for digital TV, the yellow one and not the red one, and well, of course that's not working. I started to laugh, thinking of all of the things I'd done and it was just wrong socket. :D Well, I'm thankful it wasn't anything worse!!

I hope you all are having a great weekend! :)

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