Best Christmas music...ever! (IMHO)

Today I have been a busy bee of the domesticated variety, making shortbread in the morning and a lamb dhansak curry in the afternoon. It remains to be seen (or rather, tasted) whether or not the latter is a success, as it is still in the oven, but the shortbread is fine.

While beavering away I've been listening to my Christmas cassettes, all several decades old, with the above 1986 one my favourite. It contains all lots of the pop classics. I decided to see if I could get it in cd form from Amazon, as the tape is bound to give up the ghost one of these years. Yes, it is available, but at an extortionate £37.50! I think I'll stick with what I've got. 

Extra  -  I also managed to squeeze in a walk this afternoon and was delighted to see some blue sky and lovely cloud formations.

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