
By AndrewFH

What a difference a day makes No.2

Today it has been raining and misty all day today. Despite that, we enjoyed a longer walk than usual along the Trans Pennine Trail from Dunford Bridge. When we arrived at the car park it empty and we only saw two other dog walkers, two cyclists and two joggers in the two hours that our walk took us. Obviously most others decided not to enjoy a walk today so we had the benefit of an almost deserted trail.
I have finished the final draft of my submission for the 20/20 Photo Book and uploaded the content to share with others. I still want to make some further edits to the images but it feels good to have progressed this before Christmas. Tonight we have booked to watch a theatre performance of The Christmas Carol by the Old Vic online. J and L who we often go to the theatre with have done the same so we will a post performance review with them as well.

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