
Mambo introduced me to a word that means when you see faces in things but I don't remember if this was the same word. I don't think it was. 

I said I'm not great with spatial relations. I don't know why Karen thought I'd have to stand on a ladder to put the icicle lights up on the garage and I don't know why I agreed with that assessment. I just had to reach up, I didn't have to stand on anything. Karen loves them. 

There have been crazy reports of terrorist acts in Oregon. There are calls for trouble on Inauguration day. At the same time, the inauguration committee is actively asking people to watch from home so they don't spread Covid.  

Friend of mine has Covid. She referred to "Covid Bingo Card" of symptoms. She's sleeping a lot and it took her a while to respond to a text I sent so I told her new rule, you get diagnosed with a deadly disease you have to respond to all texts within 12 hours. This is the friend who worked for the guy who was threatening to fire employees who didn't wear masks. 

During a meeting this morning I made a wise-crack about how nice it was to have these meetings online so we could sit on comfy chairs. The client put on a gigantic Grinch mask! He then put on a giant Rudolf mask! These were not little plastic things, these were like sports team mascot quality masks. It was funny and surprising and endearing. He said he likes to put them on when he's on Zoom calls where he isn't one of the speakers, and then change the masks around. 

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