Xmas Eve....

or should I just say Thursday?! Such a weird one and I think the least festive I have ever felt!  The last of the local presents and cards delivered off today and that's about as productive as I have been - although there may have been some sales scrolling online as the emails keep on clogging up the inbox! It's rude not to peek at them, just in case.....

a lot colder here today but none of the white stuff or floods that have hit other parts of the UK. The sun has even been out! Which made pruning the roses a bit more jolly this morning, as well as being watched by the blue tits! I think they were ready to put in complaints as I've run out of 'fat balls' for them all! They'll have to go without for a few days!

merry christmas everyone, however big or small your festivities may be! I hope Santa thinks you've been good enough this past year to bring you a present or two!!

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