The Real Christmas Stocking...

Ho ho ho... impossible to ignore the jocular possibilities of of stocks at the best of times, but at Christmas time... Charlie had trouble finding the right hole, but in fairness I didn't spot it myself either.

A lovely walk around Newark Park and Ozleworth, running past some rather splendid countryside and magnificent and 'posh' manors and stately homes. Mostly on bridle ways rather than footpaths, but we neighed occasionally, and no-one set the dogs on us.

As I type, some kind of agreement is coming out of the Brexit / EU negotiations. I hope it will mean we still have some access to the mainland, but of course it will probably prove satisfactory to neither the staunch Remainer nor the ardent Brexiteer.

Still, with Charlie still hoping to be unlocked in time to fly back to Portugal, it's a pleasant surprise. As we commence the nonsense, may you all have a splendid and virus free Christmas. See you after the mince pies...

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