The Long Distance Runner
In between the weird glitches I seem to regularly experience with my knees, this year has seen me get as fit as I've been for a long time. I thought I'd done with the long-distance thing but then, during the first phase of lockdown, Forrest discovered a genuine love for running and I've been keen to share this passion with him while I still can. It's given me enormous joy to witness him get fitter and fitter during this year of Covid, as well as much healthier in his diet and general well-being. We'd set our minds to sharing a long outing together over Christmas and today was the only day that was going to work. Fortunately, a cold but bright day was promised, which proved mostly right, other than a little snow shower at Burnsall.
We set out from home in Ilkley and ran the Dales Way to Kettlewell, where we were met by S to ferry us back home. My legs held up surprisingly well. We were both starting to seize up a bit in the last few miles, which were run into a freshening northerly wind. It turned out to be a bit over 23 miles, Forrest's longest run by far and my longest in many years. He's entered a marathon in Northumberland in February and now knows the distance isn't a problem. I'm now of a mind to enter myself!
The proudest moment was finding that Forrest enjoyed it so much. As we ran across the tops from Grassington he said, 'Dad, I'm loving every minute of this.' Those words made me so happy. He's turning into me.
Let me take this opportunity here to wish everyone who pops by my journal the best Christmas they can have under these difficult circumstances. Thanks for all the visits and love in recent weeks. I've been in a rich writing vein so I've been avoiding spending much time here. Writing is hard, even when It's going well, and I've needed to stay in the zone. But now it's time to chill with the family with some wine. I raise a glass to you.
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