For eighteen years this Nativity tableau has been on display in central Edinburgh but this year will be the last as it was only meant to last for no more than fifteen years.  Tom Farmer commissioned it fromTim Chalk who recently said   “The world is still in a state of upheaval, people are still homeless and displaced as a result of war or personal misfortune, at home and abroad.  But on a positive note, there are still people who care and engage with the issue and I hope my Nativity scene bears witness to this concern.”  It was good to see it placed in Princes Street Gardens where many people could see in a relatively peaceful location without all the gaudy flashing lights and sounds of the Christmas fairground attractions and stalls that are usually there.   I took this photo when I had to go to Edinburgh a couple of weeks ago and decided to use it as it would be the last chance and have included a photo of a fringe magnet taken today as a contrast.

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