Mistletoe for Christmas
The hurricanes the last couple of years have taken out several of my nice Mistletoe patches but this nice one remains along with a few smaller ones.
In extras, I have put a few of the Christmas lights we saw as we drove about our community last night.
Today has been a very low key day. My big "job" today was boiling and cutting the brussel sprouts, ready to be fried with bacon tomorrow. Yum.
I told Kent, I'm having a hard time realizing Christmas is here. It just doesn't have the same feel to it.
Light the World one by one
Goodwill to Family
Christ cared for his loved ones. Go around the dinner table and tell each person why he/she is loved. (Something we never do often enough)
Some Christmas tree ornaments so more than glitter and glow, they represent a gift of love given long ago.
Let the magic of love brighten your smile and lighten your soul,
Merry Christmas to all the awesome people I know.
Stay home if you can and take care of yourself and each other xx
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