
What a busy day today. We had a man come to look at the conservatory this morning in order to give us a quote for re-roofing it. Trouble is we got it built with a glass roof which ensures that it cooks in summer and freezes in winter.

As soon as we saw him away we drove to Dublin for a special tour of the Chester Beatty Museum which contains a fabulous collection of ancient manuscripts, objects and art right up to and slightly beyond the impressionists. The event was a special for friends and members of the Royal Hibernian Academy. Super afternoon. However we have had to battle through snow all the way home so we are running very late. Only time to upload this and away again for a few drinks, visiting friends.

This was shot while having lunch at the Museum. This lady came out of the gift shop bearing a card and a box of coloured pencils. She proceeded to enjoy whatever she was colouring in, totally oblivious of all around her, especially so of the sneaky guy with the Olympus camera (secondhand) which he has just taken delivery of and which needed a good test run.

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