
By Cigs

Under Marionville Road Volume 4

(Not to be confused with Black Sabbath's Volume 4)

0600 Peel sprouts
0615 Bread Sauce
0630 roll up pigs in blankets
0645 depart for Meadowbank; it's chilly. I'm glad I've got my new gloves on, complete with strings up the arms so I don't lose them
0715 Arrive; loup the fence
0730 Lighting sorted; tripod set, shot taken.
0800 Clean the bathroom
0830 Peel potatoes
0900 Is it too early for mulled wine?
0930 Is it too early for another mulled wine?
1000 I'd better post this blip or it'll never get done
1030 Just one more; it's cold outside and I need warmed up
1045 * hic....!*
1053 You're all my best matez, so youse are, Merry Cigsmas the lot o' youse.....

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