Merry Christmas Everyone

A cold night for the bivvy..but I was rewarded with a skyful of bright stars. At 5.30 I woke up and decided to spent the last two hours of the night in a real bed. So I had the best of both worlds.

I walked to church and back, because I could. (That is, I was able to walk 5 miles and a real church was available) You can see it was a lovely sunny day, too.

Luke and I took Jess down to the river for a swim (Jess swam, not us!) and then we cooked the Christmas meal, which was Healthy Living James’ Festive Nut Roast. We also made a shedload of ginger biscuits.

I spoke to my Mum and Dad on FaceTime.

D did an artwork using ice (extra). The ice will melt and leave its mark. Lovely colours.

Time for part 2 of our meal now (Christmas pudding for me, mince pies for the others). We might get around to opening our presents after that.

Wishing you all a happy and peaceful Christmas!

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