People on a Bridge

By zerohour

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful, relaxing day, a bit too much food, and lots of rejoicing. The New Orleans Saints won their football game, which always helps to lift the spirits of the fans around me. It's criminal to have players on the field instead of at homes with their families,but I guess this year everything is off as it is.

LM got a sizeable pile of books from various family members, some requested, some surprises. This was his first choice to tackle. No, I take that back. A book of Garfield cartoons was first; this one came after. :-)

We talked on the phone a lot today, trying to stay mindful of time zones, of our spread out family. Thank goodness for Skype, Whatsapp, and texting!

I hope 2021 brings back more stability, decency, and all-around class back into the public discourse at all levels.

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