Christmas 2020

No eating in the dining room this year as I took it over as my home office as we have worked at home throughout COVID. I did start out sharing the study with Ian but it just didn’t work out with us both wittering on at the same time - especially when I had to record a load of training videos.

So we all got cosy around the kitchen table instead to enjoy our Christmas meal. It saved me dismantling the setup and having to build it again and there was just enough room for us all to enjoy our chrimbo dinner.   

We had a lovely relaxing day, and a nice long video call with my sister who showed us all their snow!

I binge watched Bridgerton and really enjoyed it, even though the books were better - but that is usually the case!  

Leo wasn’t too disappointed that his PS5 didn’t materialise.  He has stashed the money so he can buy one if they ever come into stock again. A couple of his friends managed to get one but many more are waiting like him. He did buy a new game so he had fun playing that online with his mates and at least they can still all play together even if some are on PS4s and some are on PS5s.

He enjoyed downing some Bucks Fizz at lunch. We let him try some Baileys later and he declared that awful!  

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas Day. It looks like Storm Bella will arrive on Boxing Day so I’d better get out first thing before she arrives and puts paid to any steps for the day

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