
By rosesinDecember


It's hard to imagine that we could meet our baby in a day, a week or even three weeks time but we are ready.

As we did before E's arrival, I have started drinking raspberry tea hopefully and am determined to remain active, walking lots and encouraging baby to say hello. Today was a lovely crisp and cold day, so we wrapped up ( all apart from the bump which is too big to fit any of my jackets) and headed to The Botanics. It's a real treat to have such a beautiful place so nearby and E loved not having to hold our hands, begging to be chased with her "get you" call, saying loud "hellos" and blowing kisses to squirrels and most sweetly of all hiding (or not) behind tree trunks large and small, standing still against walls and hedges ( also hiding in her mind) and jumping out on Mummy and Daddy.

She also discovered that her (actually Katie's) grey pinafore dress had pockets, "pockee" and enjoyed hiding "tiny neli" and a slice of plastic toast for later.

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