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By NessD

Life in the freezer

K is still ill so plans for today were somewhat curtailed but it turned out to be a lovely day. Out went the planned trip to the British Library but we kept the trip up to North London to fit a new stylus and speakers to his son's record player.

I spotted this on a quick but freezing walk out of to source lunch. Unfortunately, I only spotted it on the way back so had to resort to trying to take a one-handed photo with my phone while carrying paninis and lattes in the other. Given the location I thought it might have something to do with Smithfields market and expected to find loads of information on google when I got back. However, I drew a blank. Except for other people posting pictures and asking for information, that is.

We made it home in time for the England v France game which is always interesting in our house as we don't support the same team. To be fair, K was born in France so he there is some validity to his choice but it only seems to apply to rugby and even then not consistently (he was supporting Italy when they beat France a few weeks ago) so it still takes me by surprise. Luckily, Philippe Saint-André appeared equally confused after spending so much time at Gloucester and should have won man of the match for England. Pity he couldn't do the same for the women's team.


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