
I’m almost embarrassed to show the scene of excess of our living room first thing but couldn’t resist this boy in his red pyjamas, loving Christmas morning.

Antony and I ended Christmas Eve and started Christmas Day by watching the HTB alternative carol service (thanks for the recommendation banana) at midnight - utterly gorgeous but I regretted the late night somewhat when Zeke tried to get up at 2am. Thankfully he went back to sleep and everyone woke up in unison at a far more acceptable hour. Victoria had done me a stocking so I delayed her retreat downstairs while I rifled through my spoils like an excitable infant.

Present opening was a flurry of joy and squeals and then we delayed church so that we could do something very special - brunch with all of the Bullivant family!! I don’t think I’ve ever felt so delighted to be with everyone. A really special time. Felt like a miracle to be chatting and doing the snow house tradition in a year of isolation.

My in-laws fed me a large glass of Prosecco just before I headed off to prep dinner which caused me to forget to make both stuffing and sprouts for our Christmas meal. Never feed a lightweight alcohol before they’ve done their jobs! We hardly went hungry though, it was the usual ginormous Christmas feast.

Another highlight of the day was a glass of champagne in our friends’ front garden while we all sang “all glory be to Christ” - my absolute favourite song to sing on Christmas Day.

All in all, a very pleasing day.

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