Special Treat

We were planning on going away to a cottage tonight and tomorrow, but my blood pressure trace didn't go very well on Friday, so they want me back in tomorrow. Obviously no point in going away then, but unfortunately I'd made the mistake of telling Orla so she was very sad when she realised we weren't going. So was I, I really wanted to have a bit of family time with her before the baby arrives.

We did have a nice day though. I took her to Tiny Twisters in the morning, then we had a drink and a cake in Tinderbox. Her Dad was in London yesterday, so we went to the airport to pick him up then headed to Loch Lomond Shores for lunch. We drove home on the Stirling road and back through Fintry. It was such a beautiful day. And as Orla was very good, she was allowed to choose a treat. She chose this three-in-one Lego fire engine/helicopter/land rover. We had great fun playing with it when we got home. The fireman had to solve all sorts of problems - mummy Panda in the river, baby panda on a roof, a dog up a tree and fires in the bushes.

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