
By Livra


Sunny day but cold. Went to Irvine to enjoy the day, look for birds and take some photos. Disappointing as far as birds went mostly gulls all along the coast. After walking along the sea front seeing Gadwell, Canada geese and 3 deer, we went for coffee to warm us up to the cafe a the maritime museum.

Then we went to Ardrossan and saw some small waders hard to identify as they looked like both Sanderling and Little Stint! Went further up the coast to Portencross where we watched the sun go down over Goatfell on Arran.

We returned by the moor road over to Kilbirnie. On the way over the moor we saw some people setting up a rocket launcher and beside their cars was a small rocket of about 10 feet in length. Would have liked to see it launch but already it had been a long day.

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