
By HighPike

Mount Eden

Mount Eden is a dormant volcano. There are many of these scattered across the Auckland. At 196m it's not high but the views over the city are superb. Hints of these can be seen above. However I found the crater itself as interesting. It's classical shape in particular with the clearly defined rim. The car gives a sense of scale. It's a honeypot for tourists, so being so we joined them. A short black and a blueberry and apple muffin in the village below completed our last full morning in NZ.

In the five plus weeks we've been here it rained for 1 day. Most Kiwis find that astonishing. We've experienced only courtesy and friendliness from all we've met. The highlights are too numerous to mention. On may occasions I've commented that I wish I could bottle this view or experience for ever. This our third visit but I feel another coming on. You've got to do these things!

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