A Face In The Dark

The frost wasn't as hard as I expected this morning when I went down to the shop and the snow that started when I got home lasted no time at all.

The turkey carcass was stripped and then boiled. After that the veggies were prepared and chopped and added to the stock so tomorrow there will be soup.

Having not been anywhere in daylight I had the job of trying to find something to Blip. 
I ended up with the wall ornament.
I tried two different ways to light it but preferred the main shot.
The dead rose also got the torch treatment .... but that has been done already.

Something I also did today was go into the loft and dig out the laminator, rip some pictures out of a woodturning magazine and laminated them as ideas for future work (the laminating means they can be left in the garage and be to hand without getting damp and foostie.

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