
By YvonneThornton

Odd photo for an odd day

Do I start at the beginning or the end?

Thursday night my daughters boyfriend fell 8 feet off the bouldering wall at the climbing club, unfortunately he fell between the crash mats and straight on to his back. He was told he had fractured his L1 vertebrae and it didn't look very stable and that the spinal specialist would be coming to see him Friday, in the meantime stay in the hospital bed and don't move!
Friday came and went, with no further news.
This morning Geoff, myself, Jon (no 2 son who I picked up from Heathrow on Thursday when he returned from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin where he married Dana) and Tim (no 1 son who is in the middle of teaching and training at the same time) drove down to Brighton to see how Ryan and Becca were getting on.
Jon and I went to the ward to quickly see Ryan and pick up Becca for lunch. While there they came to take Ryan for a MRI scan, seemed promising, maybe the specialist wasn't too far away.
Returned after lunch, Ryan's brother and niece had also turned up so Geoff and I took ourselves off for a wander and a coffee to give them some space. While we had been away one of the doctors had been and announced that it wasn't going to be necessary to operate, great news! Ryan would be fitted with a brace and probably be home on Wednesday.
Now Wednesday, that is the day Becca is due to travel to New Zealand for three weeks to see Chris, Maddie and Agnes. She contacted STA and it looks as though it could cost a couple of hundred to move the flight which she would prefer to do but needs to see if she can get time of work and get real costs rather than a rough guess. Lot's of phone calls tomorrow for her to work it all out.
We left around half six, didn't realise that the M23 was shut until we were on it and in the traffic jam, nearly three hours later we arrived in Crayford at Tim's flat, where we decided to have a quick cup of tea and something to eat.
It was at Crayford that I decided to take this photo. It is an odd photo, it is the lights of Dartford from his balcony. I thought it matched our day though.
The rest of the journey wasn't too bad, only one tunnel open at the Dartford tunnel so a bit of a queue there.
After leaving at 10:00 this morning we arrived home just after 23:00 tonight.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring!

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