
By schorschi


The Little Creek Gang, Petra, Christian & Chantal with Mum & Dad who's 45th wedding anniversary took place at midnight were over for dinner. First course Delia Smith's Twice-Baked Roquefort Souffles, followed by Angie's Turkey breast with potato gratin & veg, rounded off with Bavarian Television's Martina Harrecker's Pear & Marzipan Tart.
My mother was a Delia Smith fan back in the early '70's when she cooked on BBC East TV. Kipper pate was the sensation then. I only own 3 of her books "How to cook 1+2+3" and whenever possible try out new things, as this evening. Seemed to have worked. Ought to buy some more books so that Delia can pump a bit more money in to the Canaries so that they thrash Nogbad's Man City on the final game of the season. Man U was a push over early in the season & will be next weekend. Norwich as you may guess is my team although I have to admit I couldn't name one player or the trainer unless of course Terry Allcock & John Bond are still active.
Anyway another pleasant evening with the LCS family. It's Stammtisch there on Friday....the first Friday of the month - yes it will be March next week. Perhaps the snow will stop soon. Every day it's been snowing but only nuisance factor, not even worth trying to clear. One more month & we can then look forward to hunting the first crocus pushing up it's leaves.

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