Proud Weegie

By Shiv

The Rock.

No 1 had a load of fellow teenagers over for a pre-16th birthday 'gathering'. Seemed like the perfect reason to make myself scarce for a few hours.

Pleasant trip through to the west to visit some ex-school friends (R's turn to cook!).

I must have travelled along the M8 thousands of times, it's never a chore. Empty car, my music choice, time to think, a spot of tuneless singing. I can think of worse ways to spend 60 minutes.

R's house is at the top of a hill at Langbank. Stunning views over the Clyde, but it was very dark tonight. Bagged this view of Dumbarton and it's Rock on the drive home (thank goodness I had my tripod in the back of the car).

Home late, checked in on the girls' sleepover. Mattresses and iphone's all over the floor. Not sure when (if) they will sleep.

Thanks for the witty banter R and L !

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