Athens, Christmas Day

Up at 4am to chat with family before they had lunch. Everyone was happy and enjoying themselves which was nice to see. My sister’s SIL joined them, her first time in Aus for 38 years and my sister’s neighbour attended as she’s not allowed to leave the country to see family in Amsterdam. Back to bed at about 5am then I woke at 8. I usually get up around 9 when the heating comes on. Messaged a few friends, got a coffee,had some of the lovely cake from yesterday and about midday I set off for a walk, which lasted about three hours. I took the back roads to Kolonaki where I was approached by a homeless man. I shrugged my shoulders and said, sorry, only English. His English was good. I asked why he was homeless. He was a sculptor who cared for his sick mother. A genuine, gentle guy. I got all testy after talking to him. He wished me well as he was grateful someone gave him money.
I continued my journey into Syntagma, then Plaka and walked around the site of the Agora where I took this photo. Many were out enjoying the sun, it was nice to see.
I couldn’t make it home, I’d walked more than 15,000 steps and my back hurt, my knee hurt, too many uneven cobblestones and a back that’s not enjoying lockdown. I grabbed a cab and was soon home. Lunch was smoked ham, some nice cheese and raspberries. And last night’s pink. And Netflix and a chat with a friend. And early to bed. A nice day, I fared better than expected. Thankfully we’re allowed out to walk.

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