The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

A Maine Homestead

G'morning from where I've been working in my archives. Please don't think less of me but it's been too cold for my morning camera rolls (my friends from Maine and other northern climes are forgiven a wry smile and a quick "tsk" - love you just the same).

Friends from Maine may also recognize this bit of "insomniart" as a detail from the Olsen homestead outside Thomaston. The Olsen's daughter Christina was the subject of the Andrew Wyeth painting "Christina's World", where she is seen looking toward her home from the field just down the hill from here. The painting was done in the same year I was born. Interesting for me but of little consequence to anyone else (he chuckles).

Here's a link to the MoMA website where the painting is listed:

Today will be filled with pokes, jabs, looks and sees at the doc's as I begin what is going to be a marathon month of medical appointments (in person, virtual, and online) to make sure all the various and sundries are still working the way they should and adjusting meds and routines. One big question - as a solid organ transplant recipient will I be able to get one of the Covid vaccines and when.

Be safe. Be kind. Care

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