Our Card

Boxing Day... a much better day than yesterday.
And this is Lockdown Day 12.

The shots were taken in Rhodes last year.  I did think of using one of the better shots of myself in India for my half of the card, but thought it best to use the destination where AW and I were together.  The back of the card shows my favourite shot of two empty boats with the message --

We are thankful we've made it to the end of 2020.
We are grateful for the gift of continuing life for us and those we love.
We hope you have all made it, too, and are staying safe.
Let's all look forward to a much, much better year!  Let's do this!

Some colouring, some bridge practice, some housework, but not sleeping so well.  I've also started on Rushdie's Midnight's Children, and I think it promises to be an excellent read.  In the meantime, Bella the Storm is raging outside like a witch mourning the loss of her favourite broom.

THANK YOU for all your stars and hearts for yesterday's windmill!  Warms my heart no end.

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