Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


... Checking me out.
Did she bring crumbs?
(She did). 

We haven't had snow. (We had an icing sugar sprinkle, that's all). 
I haven't looked at blips yet, but I'm guessing that lots of the UK will have had spectacular snow. (I am experiencing snow envy). 
It is bitterly cold out nevertheless. I wasn't really wrapped up enough and soon grew perished. The blackbirds were busy, so were the blue tits and I saw a few dunnocks. It was quiet apart from that. 

I was bought a sketching journal for Christmas. (What a lovely idea!).
I began on Christmas Day, with my pencil (I don't think I'll go 'colour' or 'paint'). 
Is it worrying that the only things sketched so far are glasses and bottles?  (It's because I'm sitting in the same spot in the house, which is warm and cosy.. That'll be the reason. Yes. That's why).  

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