The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Otterly Adorable

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Youngest Mini Princess and I went for a walk in Holyrood Park this morning. As we were walking up Arthur’s seat, I naively said to YMP that there’s nothing better than getting out in the morning and walking up a hill.

YMP begged to differ “Actually there is - walking downhill, walking on the flat or just not walking up a hill are all definitely better.”

I chose to activate my custom-made parental Teflon shield and despite the wind, rain and snow*, YMP happily declared that it had been a “good walk”. It definitely made her day when we saw the otter in Dunsapie Loch
and watched him for ages. He is not a shy dude - he has clearly forgotten that he’s supposed to be nocturnal and was quite happily splashing around.


*This photo was taken in the 2 minutes that the sun shone on our walk!

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