Cotoneaster berries

Very chilly start to the day. Car needed defrosting before I could go anywhere this morning. I needed petrol .... when the display in the car says 82 miles left then it's time for a fill up. This tank full should last longer as I won't be going anywhere far till we come out of tier 4.

If the queue outside M&S hadn't been quite so long I might have popped in to buy a wee treat but I went to Sainsburys instead where there was no queue. I met a couple who live very near and go to the same church as I do.  I was going to say it was good to have a chat but when you meet Joyce and Norrie you have a good listen 'cos Joyce talks all the time!

I checked my blip photobook, made one or two changes and then pressed the send button. The book usually arrives within a week but there was a warning that the delivery might take a little longer owing to the new Brexit regulations.

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