Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

It was such a lovely morning when I took Archie out first thing, that when I came back, I decided to get organised and take him further, there being no BodyStreet torture session due to the new lockdown. JR was having a wee lie in. As I was about to leave, she reminded me that Elizabeth was coming for Archie today. Plan B. 

I took a notion to make some soup. The notion doesn’t happen very often, but I spotted Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s mixed bean soup recipe and it looked dead easy. It was. Nice too.

Once Archie was gone, there was nothing for it. Plan B. The procrastinating had to end. The DIY project was ON! The bedroom has been cleared, and has had one coat, ceiling will be done tomorrow, which is a bit more scary. It’s pretty easy as it’s all white, same paint everywhere. And I think we might get away with one coat. JR crawled along and did all the skirting boards. I was up a ladder. I have fallen off a few ladders in my DIY heydays, always with tins of paint, and so I was very very careful. In fact, I taped the roller tray on to the top of the ladder, which worked well. JR finished off the last wall, as I was getting weary.

Good job!

Happy Birthday, T!

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