
Another grey day and another walk, but this time we got lucky and it was mostly dry as we walked. Probably as a result of this we walked much further than yesterday.
The pictured neigbour is about 15 minutes from where we live, which is far enough that we have no idea who lives here. You may notice a number on the side of their garage. A few years back the local council informed us all our adresses had changed. We, for example, changed from 1117 to 109. That was slightly irritating but we were also told our house numbers had to be obvious from the road, and it was suggested we might like to pay something over £100 for a post and a sign, so a fire-engine or ambulance in a hurry could easily locate us. Even a few years back any taxi-driver found our house without any problem, using their GPS. It seems strange that ambulances and fire-engines couldn't also type in our address and find their way directly to our house. So the suggestion we pay for a sign definitely increased the irritation factor, and it was then this huge number appeared on the side of the garage. It is obvious from the road so fulfilled the criteria and was considerably cheaper than the suggested alternative.
In our part of the village we each bought a small sign with our house number on, and then we put them together on one post, which our neighbour procured from work, and another neighbour cemented the whole thing into place.  Co-operation is a wonderful thing!
PS  The structure seen on the right of the garage is their solar cell array. Probably not producing so much current on these grey days but helping out with their bills on brighter days and the long summer days. If solar works here it must be brilliant in more southerly countries, such as the UK.

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