Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

All done

The last of my furniture moved from the old house including a sofa and this comfy chair. They had white/cream covers on before I moved. I remembered that I had another set of covers a few weeks ago so had them clean and ready for the big day.

Some furniture has gone a local recycling Furniture project charity but some items are just too old to give away.

Late afternoon I started going through other items including diaries and journals from work dated 1998 through 2005.

Although I have discarded most I could not resist reading some and remembering people I worked with or did work for all those years ago.

When I left the job I had become the most senior member of my department so I had inherited my own personal file and today I found a lovely letter from a previous boss which I had never seen. Just marked personal and sealed I thought I better open it and I am so glad I did. It showed that she was really looking out for me and my future.
Sadly she died this year but I’m sure she knew I was always grateful for her support and the opportunities she created for me. Thanks Val.

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