Is this a .....

...... first?
Last night as I did the ritual of locking doors, I saw in the porch a bundle of post , and this was it plus 2 bank statements and a calendar . I came in at 2.30 pm and at 6.00pm there wasn't anything in the porch so this must have come between 6.00pm & 10.50pm . Has anyone out there experienced such late post on 27th December ?
I've had a day of this and that but quite satisfying as they were jobs I'd meant to do for a while. It's been dry and pleasant outside and not too cold either.
Listening to the news at the moment , very bleak - - - - Covid cases rising in the south of UK and hospitals finding coping strategies hard to deal with.
Hope you are all safe and have enjoyed your day.

Grateful ..... to have succeeded in some jobs today

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