Flower seller

I came across an old woman perched on a tiny stool bunching these pretty little anemones. She’d chosen a spot in a small but popular outdoor area (although the outdoor cafes are closed) so hopefully she’ll be busy. She spoke to me in Greek but was able to switch to English. Her face was more wrinkles than features, so wizened with sun. In fact it was hard to discern if the person was actually female. She had little bags next to her filled with leaves to put around the bunches and bags of flowers. Needless to say, I bought one. I’d gone for my walk early because rain was due, and was home early. It made the day seem long and boring. I need to use my days a little more wisely, and sitting and lying area not good for my back. I do have a book, and a list of things to do. I also checked out doing a Masters in Tesol, a necessary hard slog, I think (as does my manager). It didn’t rain til evening, but was windy all day.
It’d been windy in the morning and I heard a really large bang in the morning on my balcony. Probably the foldout chair I thought. And then I couldn’t open the shuttered door. You know when you think, I shouldn’t leave the chair here, although I usually do.. the owners will come tomorrow.. I can’t see how this will be fixed..

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