Blue Tit
I got some mealworm / suet coconut shell feeders for Christmas - not for me you understand, I had turkey - but for the garden birds to try.
They have been a big hit with the blue tits - and blackbirds, but they stand on the nearby branches and peck at them.
I set up my 6D with 100mm macro lens on my tripod in the garden, about 0.5m from the feeder, connected the camera to my iPad via wi-fi and retired the dining room to monitor activity and fire off a few hundred shots. I got two useable images - and even this isn’t really very good. Need more practice obviously. It does look a lot better (as always) in large
Marble run building continues - a lot of fiddly bits cleverly designed. The pieces are laser cut in plywood sheets - just have to break them out and assemble - sounds simple! It is quite nice to build….
Tesco delivery is due later with a few more bits for the Brexit stockpile. Yesterday I was looking for slots for early next year but none of the supermarkets had anything free in the next three weeks and then suddenly one random slot popped up for delivery today - so I grabbed it. Yet to see what I am actually getting
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