Highdown Hill

Will and I tried out his new waffle maker for our breakfast although elevenses might be a more accurate description of our meal. Far more of a faff than pancakes but we have the machine now so will continue with the faff.

Rosie and I set forth for a glorious stamp around Highdown which was happily quite mud free. She ran all over, I listened to Difficult Women, fabulous book. I’ve done Divorce, the Vote, Sex and am half way through the sports chapter. As I continue to be happy i have not been responsible for inventing the internet or lightbulbs, I am also so grateful for the women who make my life so much better- I couldn’t have done any of it. And now just 7km left to do my 100k in December, easy. If you have a pound or two spare in your pocket, do consider chucking it this way.

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