Sky view

That was my topic for today and I was not too optimistic this mot=rning as the sky looked like dirty cotton wool and not very photogenic at all.

We did a few jobs this morning and then tackled the Tesco shopping. Despite long queues to get in it was not too bad in there. Once home we had lunch with crusty bread and cheese we had just bought.

Then we headed over to Hartsholme/Swanholme Park and Lakes to find Blips. It was pretty nippy, and we decided to cut our visit shorter than planned when there was a pretty Wintry shower. Once it passed the sky became more interesting and I was able to get a sky shot! I like the reflections in this too.

We saw a Great Crested Grebe whilst there, and had quite good views of it as it dived and resurfaced. The light was not good to photograph it, but I have included my attempt as an extra since I have several spare.

On the drive home I could have got a better shot if we had been in the right place and not in town, in the car. The moon looked huge and luminous, rising from a bank of pink clouds as candyfloss fronds blew around its face. It looked magical.

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