Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Damn fine loaf of bread.

Productive day all round but particularly pleased with my latest loaf ... I thought I would take three photographs and create an engineers diagram. It tastes lovely, more to the point. Can’t wait for breakfast tomorrow ...

All’s well with the household although TSM has a persistent head cold. Morale impacted by stringent application of Covid suppression regime. Do not even go into shops on my daily walk now so as to avoid becoming infected. More and more people I know are going down with it, some of them quite badly. 

Mr T came out to look at our damp garage and proposed some remedial works. It has turned very cold and I came back from my circular stroll feeling chilled and tired.

Life has shrunk to a dog bark and the clank of a bucket (poetic reference) so I will get out my new telescope tomorrow and look at the full moon, clouds permitting. Hope it is pleased to see me.

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