The joys of an open fire

Well the trip to the dentist accomplished. I was aware as l sat waiting that l was not seeing my usual lovely dentist and wondering what the new man would be like, a half hour wait and the patient before me came stumbling down steps, drooling and face lopsided, he could hardly speak to the receptionist. At this stage l considered swoon or flight but my name was called and up l went up the stairs to THE chair. In the event the new dentist was fine, charming even. He popped in a new filling whilst telling me that his mum in Pakistan was in hospital with C19 and that his brother and sister in law lived in Auckland NZ and how he envied them the life they were living. The only pain was the bill!

It was a bitterly cold day, no frost, wind, rain or snow, just plain very cold. I stopped at the fruit and veg stall and then hurried home to my nice warm flat where l cooked up a minor storm. The day came to a very nice end when friends MnN rang from NZ and we had a good chat.

PS this fire is not at home (we live in a clean air zone and cannot burn wood), l took this when we stopped for lunch at a pub in the woods the other week but was what l would have liked to come home to.

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