Red Rubber Bands...

.I usually listen to Radio4 on the way into work for a quick catch up on what's going on in the world. It also puts The Now Show (also on Radio4) on Friday into context.

They made me smile today whilst waiting for my bus to arrive.

The story was about the red rubber bands that are found lying about the streets of Britain. Do you know what they're for and where they come from? Postpersons. Postal Delivery workers (Like my wee gender sidestep there?) use them to bundle up letters for delivery and are known to just drop them. I think I have mentioned this before on my journal as I think I found that they were meant to be bio-degradable. Not so sure now because Radio4 had a person from "Keep Britain Tidy" on warning that this essentially constitutes littering punishable by on-the-spot fines. Fair point. They said that because they are so small, the persons throwing them away didn't see it as littering in the same way some smokers don't think of ciggie butts as littering.

Anyway, smiley part...

I don't think they meant the punnage but during the interview they said that the problem of the red elastic bands was 'stretching' their patience.

I'll need to see if I can blip one on the way home now...

Would you credit it? Nae rubber bands!

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