Fallen hippo

Early blip for me as I hope to go to bed when Mr R comes home from work.

When I put the Wildlings to bed last night I had a bad fall upstairs on the landing. I made sure to save my bad shoulder arm. Which is also my painting arm. I certainly wasn't a graceful gazelle, more like a hippo falling. I had to hold it together as the boy's came out their room to check on me. By the time I got downstairs I was in shock from the pain and my body shivered until the painkillers kicked in.
I didn't go to a+e last night as Carson normally gets a feed before bed. I didn't really sleep last night from being so sore so this morning I made a appointment to go and get checked. We can't just turn up at our local a+e at the moment because of covid. So appointments are made through NHS 24. I was hoping it would be after 9 as someone was coming to buy a painting. thankfully it was.

After a couple of x-ray's and then having to wait again for more x-ray's , I have tissue damage and have to wear a sling for 3weeks. Mr R took the morning off work so I could go and get checked but he had to go back the minute I got home . He will have to work even later than normal.

I'm pretty sore but I still managed to put together a football net and take the Wildlings out to play this afternoon. I had to get them out as I was getting quite sleepy and they needed fresh air . They had fun in the freezing cold. Out street is pretty slippy so I had to keep telling them to walk whenever they went on the pavement.

I am certainly looking forward to hopefully getting a early night. I just have to get the younger one's changed. It's a struggle with nappies etc but hopefully Mr R will be off on Friday for a couple of day's. So I just have to soldier on until then .

The bright side from this is that it wasn't my painting arm ;-))

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