Dancing in the tree
next door this morning :)
(I spent a delightful few minutes watching a pair of tits flying in and out of this tree that is very close to the house next door)
Not sure what I'd done with it in camera but its rather white...
Lazy morning, then a big shop this afternoon before the new year! Wished I'd gone earlier, but it was very icy here again!
By the time I'd finished my shopping and was going to check out my hands had lost all feeling and were pure white. It was so difficult to put my pin no in with no feelings in my hands, but luckily it worked. Once, with difficulty I'd unpacked the trolley and put stuff in the car, I sat in the car with the heater on for a few minutes before the feeling returned and I felt safe to drive. This was despite wearing coat and wrist warmers...very scary (its never happened to me before)
Home and I turned the heating up and just pottered after putting the shopping away - then I watched The Calendar Girls and had a good laugh :)
Happy Wednesday folks :)
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