A year of gratitude!
Gratitude Project Day 366.
Today I am grateful for a full year of gratitude, 366 opportunities to check in (during a very challenging year) and recognise the many blessings in my life.
Review of 2020:
- 365 Gratitude Project blips uploaded
- lost 6 kg
- a total of 238 days of walking and 787.3km
- a total of 171 days of yoga, 2036 minutes
- a promotion at work
- Master of Early Childhood Leadership 75% done
- during the COVID lockdown and the rest of the year I have created habits of baking sourdough bread weekly and tending to a vegetable garden.
In 2021, I will continue the weightloss journey and #walkmoredaysthanlastyear. January starts with a 30 day yoga challenge and after that I will aim to not miss more than a day of yoga or strength. I will continue to bake sourdough bread on weekends and extend my gardening skills in the veggie garden and the rest of the garden - a meditative time, I have found. I have signed up for my final 2 subjects to complete my Masters. And as for work, I will take it one day at a time and build trust with my new teams. Here’s to 2021!
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