Piecing It Together

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Today was a lovely day. Caro was so engrossed in her jigsaw puzzle, everything else was forgotten. Her breakfast went cold beside her, and she didn't request anything on the telly. 

It was really very pleasant. 

And the weather has taken a turn. It has been lovely and summery. 

As you can see, Caro's jigsaw progress was only stopped when Punky decided to have a big wash in the middle of it. I was surprised. It is Jasper's job to be the little bloody pest. Punky has clearly taken on the role of Understudy.

The only downside to today was that an adorable ginger cat, we have named "Marmalade" rocked up too early and got savaged by Punky, before we brought him in for the night. 

Marmalade didn't get mauled too badly, and managed to escape, but it's always upsetting when Punky goes radge.


p.s. See picture of Marmalade in the extras.

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