The Road Run.

Today The Mr Tbays  plus Miss H headed off for a tractor road run organised in aid of the Farming Community Network. They were hoping to raise £1500 for this very worthy charity.

It was a cold start and Miss H was the only one without a cab!  Despite this she wrapped up very warm and headed off for the adventure!

They gathered in a nearby Village and to their amazement were part of an 80 strong party of tractors all ready for this road run.

The route was 40 miles and took them on a lovely route through the area before finally finishing back where they started. Miss H was only one about three ladies who took part and was one of a very few with no cab. That’s girl power for you! She was so excited to have completed it and said it was the highlight of her Christmas!

The target to raise £1500 was well and truly smashed with it sanding at over £7400 currently. A fun day and a great money raiser too!

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