New Year

Unashamed copying of a fellow blipper and friend, I made a collage of memories from this year. Nearly all are of family which has made the last year manageable. I’m grateful to my OH who is also my best friend, and also my daughter who is my absolute bestie and who is always there to listen and just ‘gets me’. My son and I are also very close in a different way. I’ve never really had a ‘best friend’
but put this down to being fairly self
sufficient and having family as best friends as well as having two sisters and a brother. So, as we come to the end of what has been a really horrible year, I am grateful for my family for being so special.

We are really lucky that we have not been badly affected, stayed healthy and solvent, but I will be pleased when the clock turns midnight and we can wave goodbye to a horrible year. Hopefully looking forward to a year that will be Covid free and back to the ‘old’ normal. Stay safe blippers.

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