
By Groggster

Chopstick Smile

Today's image was taken in my local town of Maidstone. We have now been through two lockdowns, a Tier 3 and now, as with a sizeable part of the country, we are in Tier 4. Today felt like being back in the original lockdown in March. Most of the shops and all of the bars, restaurants and cafes were closed and it almost felt that the few people who were there had forgotten what a town centre is for anymore. 
There also appears to be more businesses and shops that look as though they may have closed permanently. Today's image represents this to certain extent. The sign above the window said this was an Oriental Food Shop but it was empty inside and the windows had been whitewashed. The logo in the window was still visible and did give me a melancholy feel thinking about happier times when the town was thriving. However, it does now feel that there is a light at the end of a very long tunnel and that hopefully 2021 can make us all smile again.

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