Happy new Brrrrrrr...
A cold start to 2021 and happy to say my couple of days of rest have definitely helped my hamstring as I can weight bear without excruciating pain which confirm my suspicions that it was a pull rather than a tear, I've torn a hamstring before when skiing and it took ages to heal and couldn't even sit still without pain relief.
Never seen the new year in last night/this morning which is a first in many years, I had a couple of glasses of port and hit the sack early. I've learned I'm not the sort of guy who likes sitting idle even when in pain, standing up is ok but bending squatting and leaning over is still painful so will rest up another couple of days.
Caught up with the news this morning and was shocked to see the Covid figures down South, questions need to be asked of how this pandemic has been handled and the idiots who are continued to be allowed to flout rules putting others and our frontline health workers at risk.
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